Technology and Education Converge
Technology and Education Converge
The Discovery Lab had the pleasure of being invited to the Technology and Education Converge Town Hall Meeting and meet some of the most amazing minds of the technology industry here in South Florida. The event was hosted by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and was held indoors at Jungle Island. We had the opportunity to show one of our projects, the Telebot, to many of the present, who were baffled with the technological progress that we have had in this past year and a half of development. One comment we very often had was of FIU Alumni that kept insisting on how far has the school developed since they last there there. The event had many great Keynote Speakers including Dr Mark Rosenberg , current president of FIU, as well as many other Technology and Education leaders around South Florida, including Edward Martinez, Chief Information Officer for Miami Children’s Hospital and Dr Helena Solo-Gabriele, Associate Dean for UM College of Engineering. This was surely a great honor for all present, and a great opportunity to showcase the technological achievements of the Computer and Information Science Department and FIU as a whole.
more information here
Discovery Lab: National Robotics – Open House event
Are you ready for National Robotics Week 2014?

FIU’s Discovery Lab will be hosting a public showcase event on April 12, 2014.
Register HERE
Innovation across multiple disciplines, has made Discovery Lab the leading Robotics-Innovation Research Lab of South Florida. Founded in 2012, Discovery Lab has gained visibility and recognition from across the world. Within two years, Discovery Lab has caught the attention of over 300 media outlets such as Discovery Channel, Fox news, Univision, etc. who have featured Discovery Lab’s 6-foot Telepresence Patrol Robot, Hutch.
Led by Dr. Jong-Hoon Kim, Dr. Nagarajan Prabakar, and Dr. Ram Iyengar, Discovery Lab has taken the challenge of designing and creating the next generation technologies in areas that include:
- Telepresence Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cognition and Perception
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Aerospace – Satellite and Propulsion Systems
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Sensor Networks
Discovery Labs brings together researchers and students to a unique environment in which they can thrive, innovate and make a social impact through interdisciplinary collaborations.
April 12th äóñ Discovery Lab Open House (10AM to 4PM)
10:00 AM – Event opening ceremony.
– FIU UAV Project Demo
– NASA FUNSAT Team Presentation
– Smart Mannequin, Mini-Bioload Robot, ERBot, TeleBot Simulator Demo
– TeleBot Demo
– Smart Audio System, ACM Robot
12:00 PM –
– FIU UAV Project Demo
– NASA FUNSAT Team Presentation
– Smart Mannequin, Mini-Bioload Robot, ERBot, TeleBot Simulator Demo
– TeleBot Demo
– Smart Audio System, ACM Robot
14:00 PM –
– FIU UAV Project Demo
– NASA FUNSAT Team Presentation
– Smart Mannequin, Mini-Bioload Robot, ERBot, TeleBot Simulator Demo
– TeleBot Demo
– Smart Audio System, ACM Robot
16:00 PM – Closing Ceremony
Discovery Lab at the FSU Hackathon
The Discovery Lab participated in the FSU held Discovery Lab for 2014. We went to represent FIU in one of Florida’s biggest hackathons. It was a great opportunity for FIU students to proudly show their skills in programming and their quick wit for problem solving.

Mega TV Visits the DiscoveryLab
Univision media coverage
The Telebot was recently presented at Univision, a national Spanish-speaking channel. Through interviews such as this one, the Telebot has reached English speaking audiences and has spread throughout Miami and Latin American Spanish speaking community. The team was able to present the Telebot on live national television by Joel Villasuso and Irvin Cardenas, and emphasised the importance of the support from the Hispanic community to the development of the Telebot. The interview covered areas such as the origin, functionality, and possible future implementations of the Telebot. We hope to be invited to more such events in the future.
Click on the photo for the full length video.

FIU Engineering Expo
The Discovery Lab had the great opportunity to be present at the 13th Annual FIU Engineering Expo. The expo took place Friday Februay 21 from 9:30 am to 2 pm and hosted a variety of students from all of Miami-Dade and Broward. It was a great opportunity for younger kids to have a taste of the wonders of engineering imagination and so try to peak their interest in the sciences and the student’s professional and interpersonal skills. We were able to present our most challenging project, the Telebot, at this expo. This was a great opportunity to interact with team members and for us to interact with the youth of the community. We hope to continue on with this events and present our projects next year as well.