Event Archive

Summer Workshop

  The Discovery Lab hosted a Quadrucopter Workshop and it was a success. We registered a small number of 10 students and each were given a kit and lectures throughout the 3 days the event lasted, which concluded in successfully…..

American Heritage Day Camp

On Tuesday July 15, we had a visit at the Discovery Lab of 30 students with the American Heritage for a Day Camp at FIU. We were able to show them out work at the Discovery Lab which included projects…..

Discovery Lab Summer Robotics Workshop for High School Students

Join us for our Robotics Summer Camp. July 16 –  19. Students will learn how to build a UAV (Quad copter) using an Arduino based microcontroller, sensors, wireless communication, etc. You can register this workshop through :  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiu-discovery-lab-quad-copter-workshop-tickets-12141767353?aff=rss Workshop Schedule July 16th Wednesday…..

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day (May 15th 2014)

Discovery Lab were participated on “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” event and provide our Lab tours including TeleBot demo for 130 attendees. We have received great feedback about the wonderful learning experience not only for the students,…..

Discovery Lab Open House on National Robotics Week

April 12th 2014 Register HERE National Robotics Week is coming to Florida International University. This series of robotics events hosted by School of Computing & Information Sciences and FIU Discovery Lab will take place on April 12th 2014.  Exciting and…..

Discovery Channel Visit

If you were at Miami Beach in Ocean Drive and the 12th Street yesterday November 17 during the afternoon, you probably saw us in black shirts setting up and demonstrating the Telebot there. This visit was part of a request…..

MakerFaire @ Lab Miami

On Saturday November 16, the Discovery Lab took some of our projects to the MakerFaire Miami and gave a demonstration of their abilities. The event was a great opportunity to see the reaction of the people when seeing our Projects……

The ER Bot at the Miami Science Museum

On October 12th 2013, the Discovery Lab had the pleasure of presenting one of our creations, the Emergency Response Bot (ERB) at the Miami Science Museum. The participants had the opportunity to control the robot briefly and go through some…..