The Discovery Lab had the great opportunity to be present at the 13th Annual FIU Engineering Expo. The expo took place Friday Februay 21 from 9:30 am to 2 pm and hosted a variety of students from all of Miami-Dade and Broward. It was a great opportunity for younger kids to have a taste of the wonders of engineering imagination and so try to peak their interest in the sciences and the student’s professional and interpersonal skills. We were able to present our most challenging project, the Telebot, at this expo. This was a great opportunity to interact with team members and for us to interact with the youth of the community. We hope to continue on with this events and present our projects next year as well.
Discovery Lab Open House on National Robotics Week
April 12th 2014

Register HERE
16:00 PM – Closing Ceremony
National Fox News “America’s Newsroom” – Real-life ‘Robocop’ helps wounded police officers & vets get back to work
Feb. 12th 2014, National Fox News “America’s Newsroom” introduced our TeleBot project with the title – Real-life ‘Robocop’ helps wounded police officers & vets get back to work –
TeleBot Project Contributors
Faculty Advisor
Dr. JongHoon Kim (Director of Discovery Lab and TeleBot Project Manager)
Dr. Nagarajan Prabakar (Senior Research Advisor)
Dr. S.S. Iyengar ( Director of SCIS )
External Supporter
U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeremy Robins (#)
3D Designer and Lab Manager : Mangai Prabakar
Undergraduate Student
Vision System : Williams Chavez-Salinas and Irvin Cardenas (&)
Test Pilot & Motion Control : Joel Villasuso and Charlotte Farolan
Human Interface Design : Jaime Danow
Hand Development : Antonio Triana
Manufacturing Team : Alejandro Diaz
Arm Motion : Daniela Chavez Guevara
Arm Motion : Micheal Waddell
TeleBot Simulator : Jose Maldorado
TeleBot Core Development : Giuseppe Vietri (*)
Balance Team: Maylem Gonzalez (*)
Multi-TeleBot Management System: Cynthia Tope (*)
Discovery Lab High School Intern
Balance Team: Aaron Perl (+)
(#) Jeremy donated $20,000 to TeleBot Project April 27, 2012.
(&) Irvin was selected as “Class of 2013 HENAAC Scholars” at the Great Minds in STEM and Booz Allen Hamilton
(*) Giuseppe, Cynthia and Maylem were participated at 2013 Summer FIU REU program sponsored by NSF (Grant No. CNS-125124)
(+) Aarol is a high school student at MAST Academy, Virginia Key, FL 33149
Discovery Channel’s Documentary on the Telebot
The Discovery Channel visited us at the lab a few months back to do an Documentary on our work. The final video was aired yesterday and the clip will be online very soon. We will present the video here as soon as possible. They captured the essence of the Telebot in a few minutes of video and successfully portrayed our goals and purposes in their video. We are very excited to soon be able to show everyone the video here on our website. Check back in a few days.
Recent Public Media
With the recent release of the RoboCop Movie, and it’s similarities to our Telebot, we had the fantastic opportunity to give a quick demo at the premier of the movie. We have to thank the Sonny Pictures associates for offering us this great opportunity. We made a small skit to show the capabilities of the Telebot and it possible future uses, as well as to entertain the audience. We gave them a bit of laugh when the Telebot stopped a trespasser from going too close to the screen. We hope to have more opportunities to show our work in similar events.
“Real-Life Robocops” – TeleBot Story in FlipSide Magazine
The Telebot has been called the real RoboCop more times than I can count at this point, and they couldn’t be more right. Although our research is far from what the movies present, we have great hopes that the Telebot will bring as many benefits as the idea of a robotic body brings to RoboCop. The idea is essentially the same, to bring all those physically disabled, yet well trained and capable veterans back to the work force, improving their lifes and possibilities. For this we have recently been featured in magazines such as the Flip Side. This gets us one step closer to having human controlled robotic units patrolling the streets and making metropolitan areas safer.
Full Story :
TeleBot Story on the Empire Magazine
The Discovery Lab’s Telebot appeared as part of The Empire Magazine. The article was published with the premiere of the Robocop movie and was called “The real Robocop” by Comrad Emmett. They very much emphasize not only the similarities of Telebot and Robocop, but the differences that could allow the Telebot to be even more satisfying and productive for society, as is the fact that one person could control several Telebots all the around the country from the comfort of their homes. We are very proud to see our project being compared to this icon of american sci-fi and hope that gets us a step closer to placing the Telebot on the streets of the world.
TeleBot youtube video :