Discovery Lab Closed-Door Seminars

The Discovery Lab started to host closed door seminars for the Discovery Lab members. The events started yesterday with a presentation by Antonio Triana and Justin Rodriguez. The seminars cover current projects’ development, ideas, and possible future work. The seminars are given with the intention of allowing all the teams to immerse in all the other sections of the Telebot and know about other projects currently happening at the lab. Antonio Triana talked about his developments regarding the hand control and design, and explained the design of others to compare and contrast. Mr Triana also went on to explain very interesting possible  adjustments and improvements to the system that will come in handy for the purpose of the Telebot. Justin Rodriguez explained the work of his team regarding a new project; an Emergency Response Bot designed after recent crisises. These seminars are done with the hope of improving each presentation and at some point give a much greater and complete seminar to the public. There will be more seminars coming up this week and the next.