Visit by Dr Thomas Sterling.

On the Morning of October 18, the Discovery Lab had the pleasure of demonstrating our main project, the Telebot, to Dr Thomas Sterling. Dr Sterling is a PhD graduate from MIT and is the current Executive Associate Director and Chief Scientis of CREST at IU. Dr Sterling’s many accomplishments include “Arnaud and Edwards Endowed Professor”,”Hertz Foundation Fellowship” (1980) and “Gordon Bell Prize for Price Performance” (1997). He came to FIU to give a talk on  Advanced Parallel Execution Semantics for Exascale Computing and took a few minutes to visit the Discovery Lab. Dr Sterling was very impressed with the possible applications of the Telebot on the field, as well as with the feat of creating such a system on its own. He mentioned his interest in following the project’s development on its later stages. We hope to be able to meet him later on to update him on our progress.





Dr Sterling FIU Presentation

Dr Sterling IU website